Allow us to momentarily divert your attention to this amusing story from the snoozy Welsh town of Port Talbot, as we promise it’ll feature 1) Silly art drama 2) The phrase “drunk nitwit”, and 3) A surprising celebrity cameo! The BBC is reporting that noted disguised artist Banksy surprised this lil’ town with a custom mural this week, titled Season’s Greetings, when he infiltrated the area in the middle of the night to paint it on a garage. The locals were thrilled! A plastic screen and fence were purchased to protect its beauty! However, as a news blast from Port Talbot subsequently details, “some drunk nitwit” decided to ruin the good vibes by trying to destroy the mural and was chased away by a security guard with a very slow response time. “We do not want it wrecked,” the report states, “please share.”
We’re sharing! And now for your third-act twist: None other than Michael Sheen hails from Port Talbot, and has pledged thousands of dollars to protect this Banksy original from future harm. Spreading holiday joy indeed.