It’ll certainly be an emotional sendoff for Emmy Rossum’s Fiona in Shameless. Well, for everyone except her own TV dad Frank Gallagher, that is. According to star William H. Macy, Frank is more of a jerk than usual during Fiona’s good-bye, or as he puts it, he’s really “a complete shithole the whole episode.”
Although the actor admits the overall episode is “so sweet,” fans can leave it to his character Frank to put the bitter in bittersweet. “All the actors really wanted a great good-bye scene with Emmy … I had hoped that I could have a lovely, warm, conciliatory meeting good-bye with her,” he explained at Showtime’s red carpet at the Wilder vs. Fury fight on Saturday. “I’m horrible, worse than I’ve been in a long time. Just a waste of oxygen.”
In late August, Emmy Rossum announced she’d be leaving Shameless after playing such a critical role in the series since the 2011 pilot. While Macy says the show will be back for a tenth season, he has no idea what it’ll look like without one of its key players. “Not a clue. Things evolve,” he says. “It’ll be a different show … The kids have grown up. I’m excited but it also frightens me.” Still, fans can expect the craziness at the show’s core to remain intact. “I, like you, read these scripts and I go, ‘What the fuck?’ These writers need therapy.” And if there’s one thing he’s certain of moving forward with the series, it’s this: “I don’t want to work any harder.”