According to the mysterious laws of celebrity reportage, you’re not allowed to write about generally charming actor Anne Hathaway without mentioning that there was a period where many people hated her for some reason. People’s cover story is just the latest evidence of this, as Hathaway goes into detail about her feelings of insecurity when she was younger. “I remember 10 years ago being so scared going into the whole awards season and doing what I thought I was supposed to do, so I barely ate anything at Christmas,” she said. “I thought movie stars had to have a certain body. I was just smoking, just smoking my nerves away and wasn’t nourishing myself.” Hathaway has since learned how to deal with haters (have you seen her Instagram?), but if you for some reason would like to continue to criticize her, she offered a few pointers. “Everybody’s entitled to their opinion,” she said. “What I appreciate is when the negativity has some intelligence behind it. What I don’t like is lazy negativity. If you’re going to take someone down, have a point of view! Be witty, maybe pun a little!” Wow, that really sounds like a Less Misérables way of doing things.