Ashton Kutcher wants more connection. He wants to be in touch with “real people” so he can share the “unedited latest & greatest” in his life. And he wants all that so much he just posted his real, actual phone number to Twitter. The actor and entrepreneur has more than 18 million followers and knows he can’t keep up with every possible message he receives, but damn it, he’s going to try! So if you want to take down those digits and try your luck, here is the post:
The request for authentic connection comes a day after Kutcher tweeted to say he was, “Changing my social media strategy starting tomorrow. Stay tuned.” If you want to know more about why he’s doing this … you can just ask him! Kutcher requested texts, but hopefully he puts his phone on silent and leaves it in his pocket at dinner, because these notifications are going to be a real handful, especially if people start calling. Vulture has texted Kutcher for a quick reaction to his new social experiment, but has not yet received a comment. In the meantime, hopefully he is ready to field a lot of memes and nudes and questions about Mila Kunis. He did just send a beacon out to the internet, after all.