Glenn Close is many things: a legend of the silver screen, an acclaimed stage actress, owner of one of humanity’s most revered jawlines. But she’s also a devoted pet owner, and it turns out she’s been maintaining an Instagram account for her dog, Pip Close, for years now. The profile for Sir Pippin of Beanfield, described as a Havanese and the “favorite son of @glennclose,” doesn’t have a ton of posts, but it was updated as recently as last week. So the patient follower will be rewarded with occasional updates from the life of Glenn’s precious boy. Presented in the style of Pip running his own socials, sometimes he tells us about what he and Glenn get up to during the quiet hours.
Sometimes, like a real scamp, he posts candids of Glenn.
Sometimes he likes to show off his formal wear.
Pip isn’t afraid to share the unglamorous parts of his life.
And sometimes, Pip even gets a little salty.
Overall, it seems pretty good to be Pip Close.