It might be over 15 years since his final “how you doin’?” was muttered to a foxy lady, but Matt LeBlanc will be fielding questions about his time on Friends for all of eternity — a fact he seems content with, even when his interviewers, such as Jimmy Fallon, admit they’re recycling basic questions about showbiz to get him to share more memories about the sitcom. But LeBlanc isn’t fooled! He knows the deal! So when Fallon asked him on The Tonight Show if he ever took a prop from Friends’ set as a souvenir after the finale was shot, LeBlanc decided to take a fun, non-modest approach with the inquiry. “It’s funny, I took a fuck ton of cash,” he said, very happy at how much Netflix is shelling out to keep the show on its service. That, and he also has the ball from Joey and Chandler’s foosball table. “I have it in my toolbox somewhere,” he added. “Why it’s in my toolbox, I don’t know.”