The outside of a plane. A helicopter. The exterior of a skyscraper. At a certain point, Mission: Impossible — Fallout director Christopher McQuarrie is going to have to go full hot air balloon to give Ethan Hunt something new to precariously dangle from. According to Deadline, McQuarrie recently made a deal to make two more Mission: Impossible films, news he confirmed Monday via Twitter. “Missions: Accepted #MissionImpossible,” he tweeted.
The fact Paramount wants more M:I shouldn’t come as a surprise after the success of 2018’s Fallout. The upcoming pair of movies will premiere in summer 2021 and summer 2022, per Tom Cruise’s Twitter account, and will reportedly be shot back-to-back. Until then, we assume Tom Cruise will be staying in shape by having his entire skeleton replaced with adamantium. At least, that’s what we’d be doing if we were him.