In a pivot to utter humility, beard-growth, and softness, actor, director, and Lady Bird stan Bradley Cooper sat down with Oprah on Tuesday afternoon for a SuperSoul Conversation. Among Cooper’s super soul-baring reveals: how he reacted to not scoring an Oscar nomination for directing A Star Is Born. “I was with my friend. I was in New York City at a coffee shop and I looked down at my phone, and Nicole [my publicist] had texted me and they said congratulations on these other things, but they didn’t tell me the bad news,” Cooper told Oprah. He received nominations for Best Actor, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Picture, but didn’t get a Best Director nom, despite being double nominated by the Directors Guild. “I went, ‘Oh wow,’ and the first thing I felt was embarrassment, actually felt embarrassed that I didn’t do my part.”
“I’m at least glad you said that,” Oprah, an Oscar voter, replied. “If I were you, I’d be feeling some kind of way about it.” Cooper said the “some kind of way” he felt was embarrassed: “Oh gosh, I didn’t do my job.” Poor guy — he couldn’t be a fuckin’ Best Director nominee if he fuckin’ tried!