last night on late night

Matt LeBlanc Was Once His Own Dentist

Never doubt Matt LeBlanc’s commitment to acting. Before Friends, LeBlanc was down to $11 in his bank account, an amount he admits was honestly too little to even quit acting on. “Even if I said at that point ‘I’m going to go get a waiter job,’” he told Conan O’Brien, “that $11 would have ran out before the first paycheck.” Things were so desperate at one time that the Man Who Would Be Joey even did his own cosmetic dental work. When LeBlanc was told by a headshot photographer that one of his teeth was too long, he bought emery boards from the drug store and got to work. I wonder if LeBlanc used some Friends money on veneers, or if we’re still seeing some original dentistry à la Matt.

WATCH: Matt LeBlanc Tells Conan a Tale of Self-Dentistry