It’s weird to think that in about three months, our favorite tits and dragons show will go out with a (presumably incestuous) bang, much to the chagrin of noted slow novelist George R.R. Martin. But if you can’t wait that long, allow us to draw your attention to Joe Jonas, who’s the lucky recipient of Game of Thrones’ remaining spoilers thanks to his engagement to Sophie Turner. As Turner is now admitting, she not only told her fiancé how the show is going to conclude, but also one of her best friends. Just because she can! You gotta deal with it!
“I was on Twitter and saw these headlines like ‘Twitter followers are being so mean to Sophie Turner after reports she told her friends the ending of Game of Thrones,’” she told EW. “The truth is I’ve only told two people. It’s not that many. To be honest, I don’t read many of the mentions on Twitter because there’s normally quite a bit of hate. Everything I say will always have some negative reactions so I’m not surprised.” Jonas, bless him, hasn’t succumbed to the temptation of spilling the coveted intel after a few bourbons. Best of luck trying to get him to do otherwise if you spot him at a bar, though.
Read Vulture’s guide to every Game of Thrones season, recapped and explained.