Stranger things may have happened, but apparently there’s room for leftovers in the Ghostbusters universe. Per EW, TV’s own Carrie Coon and Finn Wolfhard are in talks to star in Jason Reitman’s planned sequel to the original Ghostbusters movies, which is set three decades after the originals. The movie will apparently focus on a single mother who would be played by Coon, with Wolfhard playing her son. Jason Reitman’s father, Ivan, directed the first two Ghostbusters movies, and it is unclear whether the film will include cameos from the original stars, like the female-led 2016 remake. Speaking of that remake, which sparked a lot of misogynistic hate online, one of its stars, Leslie Jones, and director Paul Feig have expressed frustration that Sony has decided to abandon their timeline for the new project. After saying that his version would hand the franchise back to the fans, Jason Reitman later apologized and complimented Feig’s work, and Feig supported Reitman. Anyway, look forward to even more of this ever-so-fun discourse as this project gets going.