Here’s some good news to start your week: Seth Meyers, John Mulaney, Fred Armisen, and Rhys Thomas’s IFC series Documentary Now! isn’t leaving us anytime soon. The network announced today that it’s renewed the Lorne Michaels-produced show for a 53rd (a.k.a. fourth) season, which will consist of seven new episodes. A premiere date has not yet been set – the press release says it’s because the co-creators “are super busy” – but hopefully the wait is not as long as the three-year wait between seasons two and three.
“This has, and will always be, a cash grab. There’s money in hyper-specific fake documentaries which is why we keep making them,” Meyers said on the news. Armisen put out a statement as well, saying, “Every project in existence is great. All shows are of equal quality and value, and this one is no different. Directors and camera operators all work very hard on every show and I assume they will do that on future episodes of Documentary Now!”
The show wrapped up its most recent season late last month, covering everything from professional bowling to Stephen Sondheim-style Broadway musicals to Wild Wild Country-like cults to Marina Abramovic-inspired performance art. Two documentaries we aren’t counting on them to cover next season are Hulu and Netflix’s dueling documentaries about the infamous Fyre Festival from 2016, because Seth Rogen and the Lonely Island guys are already working on it.