The invincible John Wick has an invincible co-star. At a press conference in April, Halle Berry admitted she broke three ribs while filming John Wick 3 — Parabellum. She didn’t even realize her injury until five weeks later and after receiving medical attention, she says she “came back even better and stronger.” She now calls the damage a “badge of honor”.
In the third installment to the gun-fu franchise, Berry plays Wick’s old friend Sofia, whom he calls upon for help in his ongoing struggle with the infamous High Table. In a movie that’s basically nothing but impossible stunts and good dogs, Berry shares two things in common with her pal Wick: a knack for leaving dead bodies in her wake and an affinity for pups. Over the course of six months, she trained alongside the five dogs who play her deadly canine companions. According to Berry, the dogs were always the last part of her training each day, and her favorite part. “My main two dogs had a stand-in each and you know each dog had their own personality and was good at certain things,” said Berry. “Some snarled good, some bit well, some jumped higher than the others.”
Berry and her two good boys will join the titular character when John Wick 3 hits theaters on May 17. She’s also set to direct and star in the movie Bruised, working again with the fight choreographers from John Wick (as if she hasn’t broken enough ribs).