According to a report in the New York Times, we’ve all been a real big bunch of jerks to Steven Spielberg. His quest to ban Netflix from the Oscars was a total misunderstanding, and yet we, the people of Earth and the Justice Department, totally roasted him for no reason! Bad us! The truth is, Spielberg actually loves binge-watching Netflix. And he once called AMC and Regal to ask them to show Roma in their theaters, which they refused to do. If he even has a quest right now, beyond making West Side Story, it’s to get theaters and streaming services to work together on exclusivity rights.
“I want people to find their entertainment in any form or fashion that suits them,” He told The New York Times in an email. “Big screen, small screen — what really matters to me is a great story and everyone should have access to great stories. However, I feel people need to have the opportunity to leave the safe and familiar of their lives and go to a place where they can sit in the company of others and have a shared experience — cry together, laugh together, be afraid together — so that when it’s over they might feel a little less like strangers. I want to see the survival of movie theaters. I want the theatrical experience to remain relevant in our culture.”