After three season and 24 episodes, AMC has cancelled the science fiction series Humans. Known to some as the robot show that was better than Westworld, Humans starred Gemma Chan, Katherine Parkinson, Lucy Carless, and Tom Goodman-Hill, and centered on a society where synthetic humans have been fully integrated into daily life. Writer and executive producer Sam Vincent made the announcement on Twitter, along with a note reflecting on the show. He also expressed appreciation for the fans, saying, “Thank you so much for the messages, support, podcasts, bespoke mugs, and for never setting up a petition to make us redo something.” Props to Vincent for sending a wintry wind in the direction of Game of Thrones, and if any networks are interested, it sounds like he is ready to shop the series around. In the meantime, cast Gemma Chan before her calendar is all booked up.