It’s season-finale season and that means the spoiler police are on the prowl. The spoiler police are a name I just made up for everyone who doesn’t have the time or ability to watch their favorite show’s finale live, but is still almost violently committed to getting the purest viewing experience possible while remaining on Twitter. It was this force that apparently came for Chrissy Teigen on Tuesday night, after she excitedly retweeted the news that Maelyn Jarmon had won The Voice. You see, Jarmon is coached by Teigen’s husband, John Legend, making this his first win on the show as a coach. But Teigen’s celebrations, which consisted of retweeting the show itself, may have been too quick for some, as the TV host felt the need to issue a swift apology. “[T]ruly sorry for spoiling the voice tonight. I thought that since the official account tweeted it, it would be okay,” she wrote in a tweet. “But now I realize it wasn’t and will make sure that when my husband wins something with someone, I will wait for each state and every country before being excited.” And just in case you aren’t yet dead by subtweet, she continued on in yet another tweet. “[W]ell it looks like we are now being penalized for my spoiler and the award has been taken away and given to Carson Daly,” she wrote. “Again I apologize.”