HBO’s Watchmen series will soon bring us a highly relatable world in which it’s about five minutes until midnight on the Doomsday Clock. Damon Lindelof created this semi-adaptation of the famed graphic novel by Alan Moore, though Deadline has previously reported that “the project is not an adaptation of the 12 issues of the comic but an original story that remixes them.” In the new trailer for this remix tape we see Regina King, who plays a doctor named Angela Abar; Jeremy Irons as a character who very much appears to be Ozymandias (alias Adrian Veidt in the graphic novel); Don Johnson as a very Don Johnson–type law-enforcement officer; and a whole lot of Rorschachs. The heroes, anti-heroes, and villains (and even some anti-villains) will bring all of their moral ambiguity to HBO beginning October 20.