Everyone’s honorary Canadian uncle, Alex Trebek, wants to continue to assure us that, yeah, having pancreatic cancer tremendously sucks — but he’s not going to waste his time being a defeatist without a fair fight. Two months after publicly revealing his diagnosis, Trebek appeared on Good Morning America this morning to discuss what his next steps are with Robin Roberts. The good news first: He has every intention of remaining Jeopardy!’s host when the show returns from its taping break in September. But the less good: He’s really not feeling too well. “The chemo takes it out of you. I feel so weak all the time, and that’s not the best place to go,” he explained, before preaching the importance of a positive chemo attitude. “I take it as it comes. It’s no big deal. I go in, I joke with the nurses, and I’m there for an hour and a half while they inject all this stuff into me. Then I go home, I have a good day, and then the next day for no reason that I can fathom turns south on me.” He continued:
But that’s okay. You have to deal with it. What am I going to do? It’s something that I’m inflicted with. We’re dealing with it chemically and spiritually. Hopefully everything is going to turn out well and I’ll be back on the air with original programming come this September.
Everyone, please send some bright-blue good vibes in the meantime.