last night on late night

Election 2020: Jimmy Kimmel Doesn’t Like Bill de Blasio’s Chances

Mayor Bill de Blasio is fighting dumb nicknames with dumb nicknames, calling Donald Trump “Con Don.” Because he’s a con man, get it? Jimmy Kimmel does not think de Blasio has a chance of winning the democratic primary, especially because his candidacy announcement was heavily protested. Mayor de Blasio announced his presidential run on Good Morning America, and GMA tried not to show the protest occupying their courtyard. Every sign in the GMA courtyard had to do with something de Blasio has fucked up: the trains, the cops, etc. Kimmel thinks Anthony Weiner has a better chance at the presidency, since having to announce his sex criminality will get him a lot of face-to-face time.

Jimmy Kimmel Doesn’t Like Bill de Blasio’s 2020 Chances