First of all, let’s hear it for Lucas Hedges (and his agent!), who is about to continue his streak of working with iconic women of Hollywood. And second, let’s hear it for Michelle Pfeiffer, because if you haven’t celebrated her today for any reason at all, you need to get your priorities in order. And now you have a news peg: Variety reports that Hedges and Pfeiffer will star in the comedy French Exit, about an heiress decamping from Manhattan to Paris to live out her days after her dead husband’s fortune runs out. She cashes out whatever is left and goes with her son, played by Hedges, and her cat, who happens to be the embodiment of her long-dead partner. The cat will be voiced by Tracy Letts.
Azazel Jacobs is onboard to direct, and Patrick deWitt is set to write the script, which will be adapted from his very own best-selling book of the same name. So thank you, team French Exit, for giving the people more Pfeiffer and more movies with pivotal roles for cats — two things we want to see trending in 2019.