As a fine gentleman in a lime-green jacket would say: Hellooooooo to this! Ringing in two years since the best show of 2017, Twin Peaks: The Return, premiered and knocked our socks off on Showtime, our very own Dale Cooper (alias, Dougie Jones; other alias, Coopergänger) is giving us a piece of the show’s folklore to hang in our home. (We would’ve also accepted a Red Room curtain, but whatever.) “Today I wanted to share a fun part of Twin Peaks history,” Kyle MacLachlan wrote on Instagram. “To create a sense of place for the show, David Lynch drew this map of the town.” We can see everything from the pine weasel–devoid Ghostwood National Forest to, well, the two mountains that give the town its name. All that’s missing is the Roadhouse, but maybe that was withheld for pyrotechnic reasons.