Brad Pitt has intergalactic daddy issues in the debut trailer for Ad Astra. Earth is being destroyed by a mysterious phenomenon called “The Surge.” It’s wreaking relatively minor havoc involving fires and plane crashes, but it’s apparently still threatening enough that “all life could be destroyed.” Roy McBride (Pitt), an astronaut following in his father’s footsteps, is sent into space to deal with it. Why? Decades ago, his dad (played by Tommy Lee Jones) went missing while experimenting with “highly classified” materials that just might be causing the end of the world. Now, McBride has to deal with pressure from the government, the grief of leaving his wife (Liv Tyler), and a lot of unresolved daddy issues. In space. Alone. Presumably while bumping “NASA” by Ariana Grande. Ruth Negga and Donald Sutherland also star in Ad Astra, out September 20.