Jack White took to his “cyber desk” to protest a mischaracterization of his whole thing by the press. In an Irish Times story on the new Raconteurs album, White joked that when his bandmate Brendan Benson stopped drinking, he started doing heroin. That quote was interpreted as serious by Spin, who later corrected the story. White also took umbrage at a story circulating that he hates technology and refuses to be in the same room as cellphones. White took to Instagram to get the story straight, and to decry the clickbait culture that pervades online journalism. The post reads: “though you’d love for me to be the luddite that provides you with cyber laughs ’til the electric cows come home, i hate to break that myth by stating that i listen to digital music, i drive an electric car, and i typed this boring response on my computer.”
White captioned his missive “also, for a full understanding of the kind of guy i am and where i come from, please try my cold brew beverage- link in bio.” The link went to an Instagram video where White pretends to make “cold brew” by mixing river water and dirt. Jack White explained a deadpan joke people didn’t get with another deadpan joke. That should be worth a few cyber laughs.