News of James Holzhauer’s Jeopardy! loss spread like wildfire before Monday’s roller coaster of an episode even aired, thanks to a bunch of social media jabronis posting a clip of the pivotal reveal all over the interweb — a clip that originated from a pirated video uploaded to YouTube. (Again, we offer our biggest congrats to the Holz-slayer, Emma Boettcher.) Say whatever you want about spoiler culture, but Jeopardy! and Sony Pictures Entertainment are incredibly irate with the breach (duh), and the leak is currently being investigated to the fullest extent of the law. “I feel bad for the viewers. It’s not fair,” longtime executive producer Harry Friedman told the Washington Post. “I’m not sure what’s gained by doing something like that, other than some malicious intent. It doesn’t really benefit anybody.” Friedman added that while he “can’t say at this point” who uploaded the footage, producers have a solid lead. “We think we know where and who and how,” he said, assuring viewers that the show is taking “very, very, very appropriate” action against the guilty parties. Hmmm, we’ll take “Hire an Attorney and Fast” for $600, Alex.