During last night’s Late Night With Seth Meyers, writer Amber Ruffin returned with a brand-new installment on “Amber Says What,” in which she covers everything from her very confused feelings about the Cats trailer to the recent flooding in New York City to the new movies Marvel announced at Comic-Con. Ruffin is particularly excited by the diverse casting of the new Marvel movies, so she takes a moment near the end of the segment to address Marvel fans who are mad about it. “Diverse recasting is the way this country is headed. You see, in this unpredictable, chaotic mess we call life, one thing remains a constant: The old ways die, and new ways rise up to replace them,” she says before belting out a few verses from The Lion King’s “Circle of Life” — and in case you were wondering, Ruffin is a very good singer. Thanks to the graphics next to her, Ruffin is able to very gently suggest that Hollywood execs who are on the hunt for their next diverse recasting star should take a look at this wonderful, promising writer-performer named Amber Ruffin, who would be a perfect choice to lead a remake of The Godfather, Jaws, or even a late-night show called Late Night With Seth Meyers Amber Ruffin. Your move, NBC!