The blessings keep on coming down for Meek Mill. For the first time since he was 21 years old, Meek Mill, born Robert Williams and now 32, is off of probation. And he just announced his own record label under Roc Nation. In his own words: “WTF, God, you be acting a fool.”
Per the AP, the rapper’s 2008 gun conviction has been thrown out after a panel of judges in Pennsylvania Supreme Court decided that new evidence will likely cause a different verdict at retrial. The rapper will face a new judge and jury, although there is a chance prosecutors could decide to drop the case. The appeals court also overturned the trial judge Genece Brinkley’s parole-violation charge that sent Meek Mill to jail in 2017, prompting the #FreeMeek movement and documentary. Meek Mill also unveiled his joint venture with Beyoncé’s husband, Jay-Z, today. His record label, Dream Chasers Records, will operate under Roc Nation, focusing on talent acquisition, creative strategy, and marketing for upcoming artists, according to Rolling Stone. Meek Mill celebrated both pieces of news on Twitter and Instagram. Meek is officially #Free.