Harry Styles is really vibing these days. In a new Rolling Stone profile, he talks about gender and love and recording in Southern California and opening his mind to new creative experiences — which in part means doing a fair amount of mushrooms while he recorded new music. Styles apparently spent six weeks at the famed Shangri-La studio in Malibu, which is now owned by Rick Rubin, and having a truly Golden State experience while he worked on his forthcoming album. “We’d do mushrooms, lie down on the grass, and listen to Paul McCartney’s Ram in the sunshine,” said Styles, before gesturing to a corner and telling the writer, “This is where I was standing when we were doing mushrooms and I bit off the tip of my tongue. So I was trying to sing with all this blood gushing out of my mouth. So many fond memories, this place.”
Besides singing through copious amounts of blood while tripping on “a lot of mushrooms,” Styles also said he enjoyed margaritas at 10 in the morning, and the company of friends who would come by — some with kids in tow — to play cornhole and just hang out by the ocean. The singer also spent plenty of leisure time on the beach, where, in a fit of presumably good spirits, he lost his wallet and a beloved pair of pants one day. “Maybe a month later, somebody found my wallet and mailed it back, anonymously. I guess it just popped out of the sand. But what’s sad is, I lost my favorite mustard corduroy flares.” So, if you’re going to party like a rock star at Rick Rubin’s beach house, make sure to stash your beloved mustard corduroys somewhere safe.