What, you thought you could get out of Gilead that easily? Days prior to Margaret Atwood releasing the sequel to her best-selling Handmaid’s Tale novel, The Testaments, Hulu and M&G have already swooped in and snagged the rights to adapt it. Per THR, Handmaid’s Tale showrunner Bruce Miller is currently in discussions with the studio and streaming service about how the dystopian sequel can serve as an “important extension” to the show, whether it’s in the form of a series, miniseries, or film. (Hulu’s Handmaid’s Tale series has been renewed for a fourth season, and has deviated substantially from the source material.) The Testaments, which has already been put on the 2019 Man Booker short list, is told from three different female perspectives 15 years after the events of the first novel, and also dives into Aunt Lydia’s past. It ain’t all bleak!