Alec Baldwin returned as Donald Trump on October 26, but he wasn’t the only scandal-plagued president who made an appearance in tonight’s Saturday Night Live cold open. Darrell Hammond stopped by as an extremely jealous Bill Clinton. If only he, too, could have just traveled the nation for his entire presidency, playing the sax and receiving the adoration of voters, Bill says he “would never come home.”
If Bill did stop home once in a while though, he would undoubtedly know about Trump’s ongoing impeachment troubles, which Clinton immediately attributes to Trump being one “dirty dog.” “No, it’s not for that. They don’t mind when I do that, trust me,” replies Baldwin’s Trump. Says Hammond’s Clinton, “Well, that’s progress.” And no, to answer your question: this iteration of Bill Clinton isn’t a Trump supporter. He just washed up at the president’s rally in Albuquerque because he was “following the party.”
Baldwin’s POTUS was also joined by Fred Armisen as Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is such good friends with the U.S. president, it’s “like when Franco and Mussolini used to take vacations together,” as well as an angrily dabbing Mark Zuckerberg and assorted other freaks and oddballs.