reality tv

Jenna Dewan to Host the Very Literal Dating Show Flirty Dancing

Photo: Kelly Sullivan/Getty Images

Here’s a new one for folks in the States. Fox announced today that Jenna Dewan will host a new dating show for the network called Flirty Dancing that is about exactly those two things: flirting and dancing. In the original U.K. series, pairs of people come together for a blind date, but the twist is, ahead of time they each got a piece of choreography to learn. Upon first meeting they have to execute the dance they learned separately together, and “without saying a word.” Here in the U.S. it will be a little different, with solo dancers performing a different choreographed number with two potential suitors, and choosing the person (for love, presumably) they had the best dance connection with. Honestly, it’s as good a metric for measuring romantic chemistry as being stuck on an island with a bunch of people, so why not?

Jenna Dewan to Host Very Literal Dating Show Flirty Dancing