fashion du jour

Preemptively Spend Your Tax Return on Shiv’s Backless Succession Turtleneck

Photo: HBO

Ever since Shiv Roy (Sarah Snook, strawberry-blonde goddess) debuted a backless turtleneck lewk on Succession earlier this season, my Bank of America Premium Rewards savings account has been weeping at the inevitable end to this sartorial exposure: me purchasing the hell out of it, reckless amount of spending be damned. (I mean, it is Treat Yo’Self Day this week.) My subsequent internet-research spiral “for work reasons” was eventually aided by fellow writer Rachel Syme, who located the saucy blue piece online ⁠— only to discover it is not a turtleneck, but a calf-length wool dress (!) with a waist belt from Uruguayan designer Gabriela Hearst. It’s also on sale for $607 on the luxury discount site The Outnet, as opposed to its original $1,350 retail value. What are you slime puppies waiting for?

Spend Your Tax Return on Shiv’s Famous Succession Turtleneck