Christmas might be the time to tell people how you feel, but Thanksgiving is the time to get them in check and Anderson .Paak has logged on. On Tuesday night, the rapper GoldLink signed onto Instagram to post a lengthy, bizarre tribute message to the late Mac Miller, who died last September. GoldLink’s post, complete with praise and critique, and also a suggestion that Miller’s 2016 album The Divine Feminine was inspired by GoldLink’s mixtape And After That, We Didn’t Talk, did not sit well with .Paak, who called it a “disrespectful, narcissistic, jealous grossly unnecessary post.”
“I think what made you and I special is that we weren’t always on the best terms,” GoldLink said in the post, describing a fraught relationship with Miller. “So I didn’t always have great things to say about you.” The rapper goes on to say that Miller would “adopt styles as homage to those around you that you loved,” and that “Divine Feminine was an actual blueprint of ‘and after that we didn’t talk’.”
Perhaps because GoldLink’s message referenced both artists’ collaborations with .Paak, the musician corrected the record. “Maybe your belt was wrapped around your Gotdamn waist too tight or maybe it was the choker cutting the circulation off to the brain but since you felt it necessary to bring me up twice and my boy ain’t here to respond ima say it like this,” he wrote in a now-deleted Instagram post. “You ain’t the first to make an album inspired by a relationship, you ain’t the first to make a song featuring Anderson .Paak but you are the first to disrespect my friend who is no longer here for absolutely no reason and I can’t stand for that.” See his full Instagram below:
.Paak may have deleted his post, but GoldLink’s message remains live on Instagram.