If you haven’t heard, because either you’ve been lost in the woods for weeks or you’ve been ignoring us, it’s almost time for Vulture Festival. And while it’s still basically a poolside party with all your favorite celebrities, it is now, as of this moment, also educational. New York Magazine’s senior art critic Jerry Saltz is packing up his sunscreen and coming all the way out to Los Angeles to help you (yes, you!) learn to be an artist. Whether you’re an aspiring Rembrandt or a budding classroom doodler, he can help you become better, faster, stronger — um, creatively, of course. This talk, based on his extremely valuable article that is soon to be a book, is for anyone who lays awake at night because of existential, anxiety-related reasons and not just noisy neighbors. Let Saltz take away your terror of doing and make you just start, by sharing his thinking on how to shut your demons right the hell up and get to work. Tickets just went on sale, so grab some while they last.
And just in case you have been lost in the woods for several weeks, we’ve just added more tickets for our screening of MacGruber with live commentary from Will Forte and co-writer John Solomon. So maybe grab one of those, or reserve your spot in our Superstore, Bachelor, The Good Place, PEN15, David Chang, The Man in the High Castle, or Elisabeth Moss events. Civilization, we love it!