The 2020 presidential race has its share of billionaires, but can any of them call themselves Christian and genius? We’ll just have to wait till 2024 for a candidate worthy of both those titles: Kanye West, but it’s “Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West” to you. At Thursday night’s Fast Company Innovation Festival, the rapper doubled down on his 2024 presidential aspirations — “No, what y’all laughing at?” he chided the audience — and added that he might change his name to spite Forbes for not calling him a billionaire. (According to the business magazine, he was worth $240 million in June of this year.) Dollar amounts aside, West also boasted about the amount of jobs he’ll create through Yeezy — enough that he’s “not gonna run, I’mma walk” for president. If it does happen, we’ll expect him to join the race at a snail’s pace.