
Pete Davidson Says He Masturbated to Leonardo DiCaprio’s, Uh, Acting

Well, the face says it all, doesn’t it? Photo: Rosalind O’Connor/NBC

“I’m not attracted to them, I just think they’re talented” is a slippery slope and Pete Davidson is its latest victim. The comedian happily got personal with 13 Reasons Why’s Tommy Dorfman for Paper magazine, revealing his No. 1 celebrity crush when he was younger: Leonardo DiCaprio. Davidson totally gets why his own fans find him attractive, because he’s been that kind of fan, too. “Well, I used to jerk off to Leonardo DiCaprio …” he said, before backtracking. “Uhh, like, his acting.” Mm-hmm. Acting. Continue.

“I used to have a HUGE crush on Leonardo DiCaprio,” the SNL cast member went on. “I had this huge poster of him from The Beach in my room, and there used to be, like, ‘Leo love books’ … Do you remember? Like, right when Titanic came out [when I was] in like third or fourth grade, he was just like, ‘teen milk.’ There were love books and I had all of them. He was the coolest.”

No one can blame Davidson for having a crush on literally the most crushable heartthrob of all time. But we can blame him for the fact that his current love interest, Kaia Gerber, wasn’t born until a year after The Beach came out. Guess Pete Davidson really was inspired by DiCaprio.

Pete Davidson Says He Masturbated to Leo DiCaprio’s Acting