Here’s something you may or may not have been waiting for, since every pre-existing property is liable to be rebooted or remade or the like. Variety reports that the Showtime hit series Weeds is being developed for revival at Starz, with Lionsgate TV producing. The biggest obvious question is: Are star Mary-Louise Parker and creator Jenji Kohan involved? The answer is yes to the former and no, or at least not yet, to the latter. Parker is attached to star in and produce the possible show that would pick up with Nancy and the Botwin family 10 years after the events of the original run. (There were so, so many events.) Victoria Morrow, who worked as a writer and became a co-executive producer on Weeds 1.0, would be penning the story if it got picked up. The best possible outcome is if it was somehow teased out that Nancy Botwin is part of the Red Sparrow movie universe, which would finally give us a full explanation for her part in that film.