Sure, I get it. 18 seconds isn’t that many seconds. But you know what it’s more than? 1 second. 2 seconds. 3 seconds. Also 4 seconds. 5 seconds. 6 seconds. 7 seconds, as well. Definitely 8 seconds and, well, 9 seconds. 10 seconds? Yup. 11 seconds? Hell, it’s 7 seconds longer than 11 seconds. 12 through 15 seconds? You bet. 16 seconds - yes. 17 - seconds, yes. 18 seconds? It is 18 seconds, remember? If you do the math - and we did - this 18 second clip of Adam Driver (Girls) singing “Being Alive” from the Stephen Sondheim musical Company is infinitely larger than the amount of Adam Driver (Lego Star Wars: Force Awakens, the video game) singing “Being Alive” from the Stephen Sondheim musical Company that existed on the internet beforehand, which was 0. Until now! Now there’s, umm, this. It’s from Marriage Story, which premieres on Netflix today and features, by the looks of it, Adam Driver (Himself - Guest on Good Morning America), singing “Being Alive” from the Stephen Sondheim musical Company for at least 18 seconds (not counting the seconds that are piano). You know Neil Patrick Harris sang “Being Alive” when he played the lead in a New York Philharmonic concert of the Stephen Sondheim musical Company in 2011, and then he sang it again when he was on The Late Late Show With James Corden one time. Katrina Lenk, a woman (!?!?!?!?!?!?!?asdfkbjasfkjhohjaff head explodes), is set to sing “Being Alive” when the Stephen Sondheim musical Company comes to Broadway next year. What a rich history this song has had. Oh to be, well, alive.