Cardi B’s impact has reached one of the highest echelons of pop culture: Greta “Lady B” Gerwig. During the first half of Gerwig’s pregnancy with her son, Harold Gerwig Baumbach, she lived on the set of Little Women. While Florence Pugh, Saoirse Ronan, Timothée Chalamet, Eliza Scanlen, and Emma Watson were wreaking havoc, slapping each other, and bringing Louisa May Alcott’s story to life, Gerwig was secretly creating a life on her own. And since she was off in Concord, wearing clothes that hid her stomach (“I just figured that was her style at the moment,” Chalamet said) Gerwig explained to Vogue that she turned to Cardi B for a little relatable content. “She’d do videos about how her hair looked better, but then she was mad because she had terrible heartburn,” Gerwig told Vogue. “Everything. I would eat it up. I’ve just been very moved by women who’ve claimed all of it.”
After he was born, Harold joined Gerwig as she put the final touches on Little Women, hanging around in a stroller during the edit, eating homemade purée, and visiting Meryl Streep as she recorded dialogue. “I felt like he was being christened by Meryl,” Gerwig remembered. To be so lucky! Little Women comes out on Christmas Day, directed by Greta Gerwig and overseen by her little dude.