Justin Timberlake has found himself in a Notes App Apology situation. Near the end of last month, the man of the woods was spotted in New Orleans — where he is currently filming a movie called Palmer — getting a tad handsy with a costar while seeming to be visibly intoxicated. Photos were published by The Sun, and while nothing overtly sexual is going on, it of course is a bad look for a married man and fueled all manner of speculation about the entertainer’s behavior when he’s away from home. Timberlake and other cast members were reportedly out at a bar together, and based on a “source” who spoke with Us Weekly, “Nothing remotely romantic is going on with Justin and Alisha [Wainwright]. The whole cast is shooting out there and like to hang out together. They were very much in public and nothing inappropriate was happening.” Timberlake has not commented on the situation until now, but the chatter has apparently gotten loud enough that he wants to insist publicly that he is not some kind of cheating bastard. Read the note below, in which Timberlake gives you the full wife guy.