To quote F. Scott Fitzgerald, “Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me.” Unless we’re talking about getting kicked off Bumble for making a profile that says they’re Sharon Stone, in which case, the rich are exactly like you. Unfortunately for Sharon Stone, the internet’s legacy of romantic catfishing has ruined her ability to use dating apps, at least according to the Twitter lament she directed at Bumble Sunday night.
“I went on the @bumble dating sight [sic] and they closed my account,” she wrote. “Some users reported that it couldn’t possibly be me! Hey @bumble, is being me exclusionary? Don’t shut me out of the hive.” On the one hand, we can’t blame you, overly cautious Bumble users, since you’ve probably been burned by a fake Sharon Stone profile before. Sitting all alone, a red rose in your lapel, waiting in vain for Sharon Stone to walk into that Panera Bread. On the other hand, someone help this woman get on Raya! After a certain point, this is just cruel.
Update, December 31: Despite assurances from Bumble that they “made sure” Stone “won’t be blocked again,” the actress tweeted this morning that the company actually erased her account. “They did not restore it by the way,” she added. Raya continues to look even better!