In the aftermath of the Netflix documentary Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez, Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez speaks out about her ex-fiancé and the controversial information included in the documentary on Good Morning America. Killer Inside closely follows Aaron Hernandez’s life, from his professional football career with the New England Patriots, to his alleged bisexuality, to becoming a convicted murderer. The documentary also uses audio from private phone calls between Hernandez and his loved ones, including his now 7-year-old daughter, from when he was in prison. (Hernandez died by suicide in prison in 2017.) Jenkins-Hernandez, who says she was approached by the documentary but wanted to maintain her daughter’s privacy, takes issue with some of the details it exposes. “You can’t describe someone’s sexuality without them being there,” she said. “Although I’ve had a child with Aaron, I still can’t tell you how he was feeling inside. No one can.” Killer Inside features a former high-school teammate of Hernandez’s, who claims they had a sexual relationship. “And I wish he would’ve told me ‘cause I would not have loved him any differently,” Jenkins-Hernandez added, through tears. “I would have understood. It’s not shameful and I don’t think anybody should be ashamed of who they are inside, regardless of who they love. I think it’s a beautiful thing. I just wish I was able to tell him that.”