Years ago, Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) decided to play Undercover Boss with his beleaguered subordinates at the Starkiller Base and it, uh, didn’t go so well. But this time around? He’s got some millennial zingers in his lightsaber and destined to make friends, even if he ends up revolting against his bitch-work tasks by killing a few admirals. (Hey, blue-star milk with Sarlacc cream orders are pretty easy to screw up.) “The culture here needs to change. Everybody deserves a shot,” our hot villain narrates. “If I can be a small part of that change, I will.” Too bad the First Order generally seems to prefer the piloting skills of Luke Skywalker to his own. “I made four new friends and only killed one of them,” he concludes. “I’d say that’s a pretty good start.”