Get ready to go back into the icebox, horror fans. Bloody Disgusting reports that the studio has green-lit a new adaptation of John W. Campbell Jr.’s novel Frozen Hell, which is the source material for The Thing movies and their predecessor, 1951’s The Thing From Another World. Producer Alan Donnes posted the announcement to Facebook as well, writing “It’s OFFICIAL! I received my signed contract and first check! I am Executive Producing a remake of THE THING.” The new movie, which will be distributed through Blumhouse’s partnership with Universal, won’t be a remake of the previous films but an adaptation of the source material. Originally a novella, an expanded version of Frozen Hell was found a few years ago, so this next film adaptation will incorporate that originally unpublished content. So calm down, remake hawks. It sounds like next The Thing is taking a little different approach, but the project fits neatly into Blumhouse’s new era of adapting preexisting content, à la Fantasy Island, The Invisible Man, and Black Christmas.