my single is dropping

J. Balvin Continues Colores Series with ‘Morado’ Music Video

Reggaeton phenom J. Balvin gave us the second in his “Colores” series of singles with “Morado.” If you can’t tell from the Prince-level violet that permeates the video, morado means “purple” in Spanish. Balvin sits atop a purple and gold throne (with purple ottoman,” kicks it with purple lawn ornaments in front of a CGI-enhanced manor, and mean mugs in a purple curtained netherworld. Like if Twin Peaks’ Black Lodge was somehow hornier. Balvin’s first color outing was November 2019’s “Blanco.” He’s currently working on a solo album following his collab with Bad Bunny, Oasis.

J. Balvin Continues Colores Series with ‘Morado’ Music Video