Look into that cow’s big brown eyes and tell it what you put in your coffee this morning! Right on the heels of the explosive report that the demands of the almond-milk industry are wiping out millions of innocent honeybees, the First Cow trailer is here to remind you of good ol’ 2 percent. Or, I guess in the case of this 19th-century period piece, unpasteurized. Kelly Reichardt’s First Cow tells the story of a cook, Cookie, (John Magaro) and King Lu (Orion Lee), a Chinese immigrant, in the Oregon Territory who use the milk from a rich landowner’s cow to start a little business making delicious, lactose-heavy meals and treats, much to the delight of homesick Brits. “History isn’t here yet,” King Lu muses. “It’s coming, but maybe this time we can take it on our own terms.” First Cow is based on the novel The Half-Life, by Jonathan Raymond. Reichardt’s first release since 2016’s Certain Women, it opened at the 2019 Telluride Film Festival to critical acclaim. Now, First Cow is hitting theaters on March 6, grass-fed and ready to be enjoyed.