At the end of Nancy Meyers’s almost perfect Something’s Gotta Give, Diane Keaton’s frazzled playwright Erica ultimately chooses Jack Nicholson’s aging playboy over Keanu Reeves’s insanely charming doctor — a choice that, even 17 years later, blows the proverbial mind. But Keaton and Reeves gave us a brief, shining glimpse of what might’ve been for Julian and Erica on the Oscars stage tonight, as they bantered their way through presenting the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay.
“It’s been a long time since you and I made that movie Something’s Gotta Give, remember me?” asked Keaton. “Yeah, you were amazing,” said Reeves. “You were amazing!” said Keaton. “There was a lot of crying in there,” mused Keaton. “Lots of laughing and crying. I mean, let’s be frank, we had good times.” Reeves began to blush. “It was amazing! Good times! You and Jack,” he said, attempting to deflect the roiling chemistry they once found in a neutrally decorated one-floor ranch house in the Hamptons. Keaton looked at him wryly. “I wouldn’t go that far,” she said, perhaps hinting that she, too, would’ve liked to see Erica and Julian have at least 1-12 sex scenes.
Even Meyers herself took to Instagram to wonder if Erica and Julian did, in fact, make it work in the end. Nancy, if you’re out there, we again implore you to make another movie, perhaps one in which Diane Keaton and Keanu Reeves have relations?