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Hayley Williams Has a Slinky, Sexy Dua Lipa Cover for You

Well, well, well, we’ve got ourselves a Dual a Peep! Former Paramore front woman Hayley Williams is solo now, and has promised to release new music this year. For BBC Radio 1’s Live Lounge, Williams covered Dua Lipa’s disco hit “Don’t Start Now.” Where Lipa was ebullient, Williams is somber and slinky: Don’t start caring about me now! Walk away, you know how! Hello Valentine’s Day, Oscar season, Iowa caucuses, or anything else you might be currently in your feelings about. Is your significant other acting up? Did Megan Thee Stallion just publicly (and, ahem, deservedly) leave you on read? Here is the song to lick your wounds and maybe pull on a going-out top and slow-dance with somebody new.

Hayley Williams Has a Slinky, Sexy Dua Lipa Cover for You