As this season of The Bachelor continues to elevate petty drama to critical theatrics in its roving Instagram-influencer incubator, Peter Weber, a man whose actions should really be worrying Delta Airlines at this point, admitted that it’s actually a fantastic thing that his contestants are spreading rumors of pill-popping and mental instability among each other. Because, by that logic, it means they really love him and are there for the right reasons! “Obviously you don’t like to see that as you’re going through the whole experience,” he explained on Good Morning America when asked about the exorbitantly high contestant drama over the past few weeks. “But looking back on it, that drama kind of showed that this was working. If all the women were just getting along super well, they probably wouldn’t have been super into me. If it was too easy, it wouldn’t have been a good thing.” Weber acknowledged that while this might’ve “interfered” with his decision-making at times, he insisted he was still able to “weed through that drama as best as possible.” Doubtful, and SNL also thinks otherwise.