The odds are high that at some point over the past couple of weeks, a very important teleconferencing meeting has been interrupted by a stir-crazy kid — maybe yours, maybe a co-worker’s — taking over your Zoom to mug for the camera, try to get their parent’s attention, or sing a few bars of “Into the Unknown.” Since school has been canceled and work from home measures have been implemented to combat the spread of coronavirus, families are working in closer quarters than most of us are used to. So who better for the BBC to interview than an expert in both international political policy and kids who interrupt your teleconferences? Yes, it’s time for the return of “BBC Dad” Robert Kelly, whose kids went viral in 2017 for barging in and sowing chaos all over his Very Serious Interview about North and South Korean relations. This time, kids Marion and James aren’t babies anymore, but they’re still absolute divas. Interviewed from their home in Busan, South Korea, mom Jung-a Kim answers the BBC’s questions about how to keep the kids occupied during shelter-in-place measures as daughter Marion sticks her tongue out at the camera and musses Kelly’s hair. While Kelly gives his analysis of social compliance with quarantine measures in South Korea, son James gets squirmy and crawls away, and Marion essentially starts voguing for the camera. As Kelly says, “there are only so many games you can play and puzzles you can do before they run around.” Long live the Kim-Kellys, patron saints of chaotic family Zooms.