So, you’ve landed yourself in quarantine. You’ve taken an L on those Six tickets, you’ve pulled out the Catan instructions, and you’re ready to settle in and catch up on the three-hour films that have been congesting your Netflix queue for years.
No you’re not. You’re going to pull out your phone and open TikTok and get lost in the endless scroll for hours, maybe days on end. Maybe you’ll try to teach yourself how to do the Renegade if you’re feeling up for it, or do the “walk a mile in these Louboutins” meme where you put oven mitts on your feet and pretend like they’re designer because, look, it gets boring when you’re cooped up at home. TikTok is an especially interesting platform to explore during corona time, because all of those students who have been sent home from classes and evicted from campuses across the country have much more time than usual to mess around at home in front of their phones and occasionally make something *cough cough* viral. Maybe we can’t go to any comedy shows for the time being, but social distancing doesn’t have to mean social-media distancing. Here are some of the spiciest memes by TikTok quaranteens we’ve found.
Proof that the youths stop for nothing
@yahomeboiigc got in on a TikTok dance while getting tested.
@daddy420god got tested positive and made a very 2020 dad joke.
Educational TikToks
This cute Korean animation reminds you to wash your hands as soon as you get home, especially before eating.
The news is less scary when recited in a soothing accent.
Not-so-educational TikToks
Please don’t do this.
The chlamydia is the powerhouse of the cell, duh.
Sanitizing TikToks
I’mma put ’em in the bunker, under under.
This video is the fallout of the video directly above it.
TikToks with their third eyes open
It has been known.
Black Death hours.
Some school districts still haven’t closed yet
Code name: Bud Light.
[eyes emoji]
And students taking online classes have to flatten the learning curve
This is very pure.
Online classes may negatively affect the drama kid community most of all.
Bet you hadn’t thought about online PE.
We live in strange times
Basically the international Spongebob meme, but with corona.
Heard this song and immediately knew it had to be from a Disney Channel Original Movie and sure enough it’s from Descendants 3.
When she disinfects the ocean.
This Naomi Campbell cosplay.